Monday, May 20, 2013

This is a test, only a test...

I am leaving tomorrow on a grand adventure. I will be driving my crazy 1942 Willys MB flat fender from Colorado to Montana and back over two thousand miles. Over four days in the middle of the trip, I will traversing the deep spring snow along the Idaho state line with some old friends.

I will be updating this blog with pictures and tails from the road as much as possible.....


  1. Specs on the MB? Front axle isn't stock at least.

  2. If your bored you can read the buildup over on the pirate board in the Willys section, look for 'Rango'. The short version. 225 v6, T18, D18, D44 rear, D30 front, 35" krawlers, custom frame, raised fenders and rear tubs, and about a million other little things....
