I am back in the modern world! We covered over 300 miles in the back country. I have spent a lot of time in the woods but this trip will rate very high on my list of greatest adventures ever in my life. The first day was a little overwhelming. It has been a long time since I have driven in deep deep snow and the first time I have had this little willys out in terrian like this. My friends have progressed to a level beyond mine in both driving skill and vehicle capability. 2psi was not the magic tire pressure...it ended up being just about 1psi with the stiff sidewalls of the bfg krawlers and my total vehicle weight of 3600lbs. Once I got the courage up to run at that low of a tire pressure things started working much better the second day. There was also a pretty steep curve with trying to catch up to my friends skill level. They have both progressed far beyond me since my college years.
The rest of the days where pretty epic. I actually got to a point where I got to break trail over one pass. Everyone had to use there winch at least once. I used mine a lot the first day but then started to get the hang of things. Sometimes it is just faster to winch out of an issue rather than work it till you get into a bad situation. One of the thing I really like about my friends is the lack of too much pressure when you are near your limits. Thanks guys!
I am back on the road now dodging some brainstorms but all is well. I will be updating from the road when possible....
That looks like a blast.